R.H. (Bob) Sweeney
A 1972 graduate of Ontario’s Algonquin College, Bob’s early career in land surveying in Ontario, Labrador, and New Brunswick eventually led to a position with Crown Lands and Coastal Resource Management, Government of New Brunswick. In 1996, Bob transitioned to a Senior Management position with Cooke Aquaculture Inc., a leading global salmon farming operation. In 2002, Bob started his own business, Sweeney International Marine Corp. (SIMCorp), providing marine baseline habitat surveys and environmental monitoring for the salmon-farming sector throughout Atlantic Canada. After 20 years of being in business, Bob and his team at SIMCorp are considered to be among the leading experts in marine environmental assessments, monitoring, and management for the finfish aquaculture sector in Atlantic Canada.

Amanda Dinsmore
Amanda joined the SIMCorp Project Management team in 2004 after working as the Office Manager for the Aquaculture Association of New Brunswick in St. George. She is now the Chief Administrative Officer for SIMCorp. Competent in project management, her skills, along with her familiarity of and strong understanding of the aquaculture industry, serve SIMCorp well. She has a good understanding of application processes and regulations within the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.

Tina Young
With an education in legal administration and a working background in general accounting, Tina moved into the aquaculture sector when she took a position as an accounting clerk with a New Brunswick salmon farming company. Tina has now accrued over 16 years experience in general accounting and management. She joined our SIMCorp team in 2011 and is now our Accounts Manager and is responsible for the general office duties, daily financials, and payroll of the company.

Louie joined the SIMCorp team in the spring of 2023. Never one to miss a day of work, he loves team meetings. Fond of the water, he looks forward to the day he'll be allowed to join the field crew on a boating excursion. If you're in the New Brunswick office, he'll announce your arrival, with gusto!

Tara Daggett
Tara graduated from Dalhousie University with a BSc, advanced major in marine biology and from the University of New Brunswick, Saint John with a MSc in biology. She joined SIMCorp in 2003 and is now the Senior Marine Environmental Biologist for all SIMCorp’s operations. With more than twenty years’ experience in aquaculture, research, project management, environmental assessments and monitoring, and technical writing, she serves as a valuable repository of experience and information related to benthic surveys and environmental assessments of aquaculture sites. In addition, she runs computer simulations of organic deposition around aquaculture sites with the use of modelling software and is our mapping specialist.

Allison Kendall
Allison is a graduate from the Marine Institute of Memorial University with an advanced diploma in sustainable aquaculture and she has completed a Master of Technology Management (Aquaculture) program, furthering her skills in the management and aquaculture fields. Allison joined SIMCorp in 2007, first as a field biologist in the New Brunswick office. Soon after, she moved back to her home province to establish the SIMCorp office in Newfoundland. Allison is responsible for coordinating and conducting our Newfoundland projects regarding environmental assessments, environmental monitoring, aquaculture site applications, as well as preparing and submitting reports for clients and government regulatory agencies.

Amanda Smith
Amanda received a BSc (Honours) in Biology from Dalhousie University with a focus on genetics. She began her working career at the Atlantic Reference Centre of the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St. Andrews, New Brunswick before moving into the education department of the Atlantic Salmon Federation where she educated the public on the preservation of the species through environmental stewardship. Amanda joined SIMCorp in 2009 and continues to work out of our New Brunswick office on environmental assessments, environmental monitoring, and aquaculture site applications.

Cassandra Acheson
Cass joined the SIMCorp team in 2024 and currently works out of the SIMCorp Environmental Sciences Lab in St. Stephen, New Brunswick. She is currently serving as our laboratory supervisor and is responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of all laboratory-related QA/QC processes. Cass is multitalented though and can also be found in the field, assisting with environmental monitoring, or in the office, processing data.

Alex Hart
Alex Hart was born and raised in St. Stephen New Brunswick. He graduated from Acadia University in May of 2023 with a BSc in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. During his undergrad he spent summers working as a field technician alongside the Peskotomuhkati Recognition Group. While there, he focused on alewife populations in streams within Charlotte County, along with habitat monitoring and river restoration. He is one of SIMCorp’s environmental biologists and can frequently be found in the field conducting benthic surveys and collecting side-scan imagery. When not on the water, he can be found assisting with laboratory duties at the SIMCorp Environmental Sciences Lab.

Team Vacancy
Field biologist and equipment technician

Machaela McDonald
Machaela has a diploma in Marine Environmental Technology from the Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland. As an Environmental Field Technician with SIMCorp, Machaela aids in the completion of projects involving environmental monitoring of the aquaculture sector in Newfoundland. She and the field crew, shown with Mac above,
complete pre-site assessments, baseline studies, and environmental monitoring using underwater camera systems and benthic sediment sampling equipment. Mac is also our primary ROV pilot. While found mostly on the water, Machaela can at times be found on dry land, analyzing benthic videos for environmental assessment reports.

Chris Blackier
Chris has been involved in the aquaculture industry for over thirty years. From mending nets on land to servicing sites underwater, Chris is familiar with marine farms from all angles. While Chris joined the SIMCorp team fulltime in 2018, he has worked closely with SIMCorp for almost 20 years, first as a diver during benthic surveys and now as a vessel operator and field technician for our New Brunswick and Nova Scotia field crews. He is certified with pleasure craft operator card, small vessel operator proficiency, and oxygen therapy.

Ivan Roberts
Ivan joined the SIMCorp team in Newfoundland in 2009 as a Senior Field Technician and vessel operator. He holds a Technical Certificate in Aquaculture from Memorial University and is certified as a radio operator and small vessel operator. Ivan conducts site visits and deploys scientific equipment for environmental monitoring around aquaculture sites across the South Coast of Newfoundland. His knowledge of the waters and local conditions of the South Coast make him a valued member of the SIMCorp team.

Chris Thompson
Chris grew up in Charlotte County, NB and has 15 years experience working in aquaculture. He brings a wealth of industry knowledge with him, and he has his Fishing Master 4 Marine Captain licence. Additionally, his time as a commercial fisherman has given him firsthand knowledge of the local lobster and scallop fisheries. Chris joined the SIMCorp team as a vessel operator in 2023, and he also takes the lead with tracking equipment and maintenance.